Our directors

Details of the Group's executive and non-executive directors can be found here.

Rob Templeman


Dave Hobday

Chief Executive Officer

Jo Baker

Chief Financial Officer

Tesula Mohindra

Independent Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Board Risk and Audit Committee

Patrick Gale

Independent Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Regulated Entities Board

Mark Wood

Non-Executive Director

Tim Gallico

Non-Executive Director, CVC Capital Partners

Pev Hooper

Non-Executive Director, CVC Capital Partners

Simon Fox

Non-Executive Director, GIC

Alexandre Levy

Non-Executive Director, GIC

Simon Patterson

Non-Executive Director, Silver Lake

Ahmed Khairat

Non-Executive Director, Silver Lake

Who we are

For more than 120 years, the RAC has been at the forefront of developing motoring solutions. Today, you can trust the RAC for complete peace of mind, whatever your driving needs.

Discover our history

The RAC has been consistently at the forefront in assisting UK drivers. Take a look at a snapshot of our history so far, beginning in 1897.

Corporate responsibility

The RAC has embedded Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) throughout the business, with a continued focus on enhancing road safety, improving fuel efficiencies and in developing innovative new products and services for members.